Invisalign vs Braces: Which Treatment Is Best for You

A beautiful smile is something that many people take pride in. Needless to say, if your teeth are crooked and/or crowded, you may be looking for a way to straighten them. If you are considering getting braces or Invisalign, you may be wondering which treatment is best for you. Both treatments have their pros and cons, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. In this article, we will discuss the differences between Invisalign and braces, and we will help you decide which treatment is right for you!

How Do Braces Work?

Braces can treat severe misalignment of teeth

Braces are often used to correct dental alignment issues and improve the overall appearance of your smile. But how do they work? Each brace consists of three main parts: brackets, which are bonded to your teeth; archwires, which connect the brackets and apply pressure to move your teeth; and ligatures, which hold the archwire in place.

The brackets are usually made of metal, ceramic, or plastic, and are bonded to the front of each tooth using a special adhesive. Once in place, the brackets act as anchors for the archwires. The archwires are then threaded through the brackets and secured with ligatures. As you wear your braces, the archwires will gradually move your teeth into their correct positions.

Depending on the severity of your dental alignment issue, you may need to wear braces for anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

The Pros of Braces

When people think of braces, teeth straightening is the first thing that comes to mind. However, that isn’t the only thing that braces can do. Below are some of the benefits of braces:

  • Correct over and underbites
  • Prevent erosion of the jaw bone
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Improve speech
  • Improve oral health

The Cons of Braces

We’ve already established that braces have several benefits, but there are also some downsides:

  • Highly visible
  • Difficult to clean
  • Some foods can’t be eaten
  • Maintenance can be expensive and time-consuming

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is a more discreet option

Invisalign is a type of clear orthodontic aligner that is used to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible aligners, making them a popular choice for adults and teens who are concerned about their appearance. Invisalign aligners are also removable, so they can be taken out for eating, drinking, and brushing.

Invisalign works by gradually moving the teeth into the desired position. Each set of aligners is custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth, and they are worn for about two weeks before being replaced with the next set in the series. The entire Invisalign treatment process typically takes 9 to 18 months, depending on the severity of the dental issue. As the patient progresses through the treatment, they will see their teeth gradually becoming straighter.

The Pros of Invisalign

In recent years, Invisalign has become a very popular treatment option for people looking to straighten their teeth. Here are some of the pros of Invisalign:

  • More comfortable than traditional braces
  • Invisible braces for teeth
  • Can be removed
  • Not much maintenance required

The Cons of Invisalign

While Invisalign’s low-key appearance makes it more attractive than traditional braces, there are also some cons:

  • Need to be removed when eating
  • Not effective for as many issues as traditional braces
  • Requires patient to be disciplined enough to wear them consistently

Invisalign vs Braces Cost

Traditional braces can be fairly expensive, Invisalign, on the other hand, is typically more expensive up front and possibly overall. However, many dental insurance plans cover a portion of your orthodontic treatment. As a result, the final cost of treatment can vary depending on your individual situation. Therefore, it is important to consult with a dentist to discuss which method is right for you and your budget.

What Kinds of People Are the Best Candidates for Braces?

When most people think of braces, they picture a teenage boy or girl going through an awkward phase. However, braces are not just for teenagers. In fact, there are a number of reasons why adults may benefit from orthodontic treatment.

For instance, adults who did not have braces as children may be self-conscious about their teeth and want to achieve a straighter, more attractive smile. Additionally, some adults may experience problems with their bite (known as malocclusion) that can lead to pain and difficulty eating.

If you are considering braces as an adult, it is important to consult with your dentist to discuss your specific needs and goals. In general, the best candidates for braces are those who are committed to taking care of their teeth and willing to follow the instructions.

What Kinds of People Are the Best Candidates for Invisalign?

Invisalign is an ideal choice for adults or teens who are looking for a more subtle way to straighten their teeth. Invisalign can be used to treat a wide range of dental issues, including crowding, spacing, and bites.

The best candidates for Invisalign are those who have good oral hygiene and are willing to commit to wearing the aligners for at least 22 hours per day. Invisalign is not recommended for people with severe dental problems. If you are considering Invisalign, it is important to consult with an experienced dentist to see if it is right for you.

The Choice Is Yours

Now that you have a better idea of the pros and cons of Invisalign vs braces, you can make an educated design about which option is the best for you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding braces or Invisalign in Oakville, please contact our office today at (905) 845-1833. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about your treatment.

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